_______ .__ .__ .__ .__ \ \ ____ __ __ _______ |__|| | | | |__| ____ ____ / | \ _/ __ \ | | \\_ __ \| || | | | | | / _ \ / \ / | \\ ___/ | | / | | \/| || |__| |__| |( <_> )| | \ \____|__ / \___ >|____/ |__| |__||____/|____/|__| \____/ |___| / =========\/======\/=================================================\/== v0.01 27/AUG/2007 (C) Copyright 2007-2007 Scott D. Yelich SOME RIGHTS RESERVED .,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,._.-*~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,. This is the "README" for Base64: http://www.neurillion.com/p/64/static/code/v2/README The software is released under Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 unported see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode See "LICENSE" for text, URL above for latest version. See "INSTALL" for information on installation (and usage). See "TODO" for ideas about what could be done in a next version. Ok, so Base64. What is it? It's a way to convert a (binary) value into a set of characters that are assumed to be safe for different uses. For instance, the inspiration for this class as the need to store values into a web browser cookie -- and the simicolon (";") is not allowed in a raw and unencoded value. Additionally, values could be "packed" into base 64 and then appended on to the end of a URL for direct use, etc., without worry for invalid chars such as "?" or "&" or hex encoding (ie: %20), etc. FEATURES (1) small, simple (2) algorithm is straight forward (as referenced via wikipedia) (3) can auto-split the output at a specific line length (4) scrubs input base64 value to strip invalid chars (such as newlines) Enjoy! Scott