Project 33
Can I ask you questions?
Sure, please send feedback.
Bugs / Known issues
Found a bug? Have an issue? Please send feedback.
- Always try to use the latest version of each of the counters
- v1 of the counters do not handle concurrency
- v1 of the counters may not work for multiple pages due to the db create/first-insert code
These are general across all the counters
- More / Better error checking / handling / reporting
- Make the counters handle concurrency (not just silently fail)
- Better DB (schema) detection for creation and initial insert
- Move as much update login to SQL as possible (to help insure ACID)
- Make unique be an option for each of the counters
- Make counters use cookies
- Make multi use ImageMagick (Magick++) "montage" for single img!
- Better C++ style -- fewer/no globals, more objects, better consts
- More / Better examples and INSTALL information.