
Project 33

gd / libgd Free Hit Counter

The Neurillion Free Web Page Hit Counters are free items from Neurillion released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. These counters were written by the author for the author to test various methods of recording and displaying a page hit counter and come with absolutely no guarantee or warranty. Please refer to the FAQ and help sections for more information and a proper disclaimer.

gd / libgd

The gd (libgd) constructs the image for the counter value itself. It uses a single HTML <img> call, so the count is always current -- no delay... but, it doesn't do concurrent hits (in v1). The idea behind gd was to use an auxiliary library to create a single image on demand. This graphics library is small and pretty fast, yet still allows for the use of freetype fonts, so the output is quite nice (even using a with a point-size of 144! The one below is 12.).

Example usage (in HTML):

<img border=0 src="http://site.com/path/to/counterprog?width,ptsize,color,font">

Here is a "?8,12,000000,MelmoRegular.ttf" counter for this page:  

Free ttf fonts from Neurillion

Available soon ...
